How-to: lv2, sdk


This sdk will allow you to compile LV2 audio plugins that can run on Aida DSP OS board based on a 64-bit Quad-Core ARM Cortex-A53 processor.

You can download the sdk here


On a Linux machine:


Build example plugin

This audio plugin is a simple gain cell with a control knob

source environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux
mkdir ~/aidadspworkspace
cd ~/aidadspworkspace
git clone
cd mod-utilities/Gain


cd mod-utilities

to build all the audio plugins provided in the repo.


or sysroots/aarch64-poky-linux/usr/include/lv2.h

which is the header where the LV2_Descriptor where the core functions necessary to instantiate and use a plugin are defined.

Quick How-To

MyAwesomeAudioPlugin::instantiate -> do the malloc(s) here
MyAwesomeAudioPlugin::activate -> do the initialization of buffers here (i.e. memset...)
MyAwesomeAudioPlugin::run -> do the change_param(knob1, knob2, ...) and processing(audio in, audio out) here
MyAwesomeAudioPlugin::cleanup -> do the free(s) here

Graphic interface for the audio plugin

You don’t need to develop a graphic interface, since

.ttl files describe the plugin ports (AudioPort, ControlPort) see Gain.ttl.

Aida DSP OS is based on Mod Duo’s technology from moddevices which exposes a web server graphic interface. The server looks for a folder named “modgui” in the plugin directory. This “modgui” is a css graphic object which is mapped on the .ttl file. The graphic is totally independent from plugin development (i.e. you don’t need to start any thread for handling graphic interface when you instantiate the plugin).

Build with autotools

e.g. pure-data application

source environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux
mkdir ~/aidadspworkspace
cd ~/aidadspworkspace
git clone
cd pure-data
git checkout 0.49-0
./configure --host=aarch64-poky-linux --enable-jack --enable-fftw
make -j 8
file src/pd


  • I don’t remember if I did the source of the environment or not

$ echo $CC

aarch64-poky-linux-gcc –sysroot=/localdisk/massimo/Work/Spare/sdk/yocto/sysroots/aarch64-poky-linux

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